Thursday, February 22, 2024

love languages

i cannot say "i love you"

giving you those words

is a runaway train

that will leave me bleeding 

and wishing for death

i cannot say "i love you"

so i learn to say it

in different languages

in hopes that one of them 

will translate

i love you

te amo

i love you

je vous aime

i love you 


i love you

hold my hand

i love you

i did your laundry

i love you

i saw this and thought of you

i love you 

let me know you made it home safe

i love you

i drove all this way

i love you in pumpkin pie

in banana laffy taffies

in memes and stuck out tongues

in campfires and walks through the woods

in movies and brunch

in cuddles and kisses

in bite marks and bruises

in unanswered texts

in impassable distance

in runaway trains

in crushed hearts

in insurmountable emptiness

i love you

ik houd van je

i love you